Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Biblical Fasting

During the beginning of March 2010, the church I attend asked the people to fast. Throughout the course of the week I had numerous people tell me that people questioned why they were fasting. Many people also commented that the church should not ask anyone to fast and that it was not Biblical.
I placed this subject on a back burner due to the controversy it brings. Over the past three days during my daily scripture reading I read two different verses in two different books of the Bible that talked about fasting. This prompted me to look more into the biblical aspect of it.
I certainly remember growing up and giving up something for Lent each year. As Easter approaches there are many who are still honoring this. This can be considered a form a fasting in today’s fast paced world. I have found that fasting appears numerous times throughout the Bible. The Master Study Bible refers to fasting as an act before God in the privacy of your pursuit of God. The early churches fasted to seek God’s will for the church leaders.

The three main forms of fasting in the Bible are:
•No food only water (Luke 4:2)
•No food or water for no more than 3 days (Ezra 10:6, Esther 4:16 & Acts 9:9)
•Fruits, Vegetables and water only (Daniel 10:3)

I personally find it ironic that people would question why people would fast and actually state it is not Biblical. I welcome the idea of fasting when I need to hear God. Fasting is a private matter between you and God. Boasting or advertising your fast to make people think you are righteous or Holy is not Biblical. In Matt 6:16, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for doing just that. Jesus did not appoint any fasts during his time on earth, however He did fast for 40 days and 40 nights prior to being tempted by the devil (Matt 4:2-3).
I would urge anyone seeking God for Confession of Sins, Mourning, Heartfelt Prayer, Personal Afflictions or any Major Decisions to fast prior to talking with God. This will truly assist in cleansing the body and soul so you can truly listening and hear God’s answer.

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